Loving kindness is never wrong, Tre L. Loadholt. And you are in very good company.
Small things that seemed off started piling up for me. But what do I know? I’m happy to have a conversation with anyone if it seems worthwhile.
But then, it became about more than conversation. That really raised my antennae.
Violet Oh Violet, bless her her heart, opened the door with this post. I saw it as an opportunity to test my spider senses. I threw out a bone that could be chewed on different ways, depending on who found it. I found the response (or lack thereof) extremely interesting. That’s when I felt what had only been suspicions before were confirmed.
So did I know before? No.
Do I know anything for a fact now? No.
And there it is. Our own little made-for-Lifetime-TV mystery.
I love you, Tre L. Loadholt. You are a bodhisattva, or at least as close to one as I’ve ever known.
Peace, Meg