1 min readJan 15, 2017


I have a story for you regarding your dream. It’s not my story, it’s something I read in a book by Christiane Northrup, an OB/GYN who writes about women’s health (but darned if I can remember which book).

Dr. Northrup often illustrates points in her texts with patient stories. The one I will tell, though unrelated to my life (since I have not had an abortion), stuck with me nonetheless due to its profundity. I hope I can relate it accurately. It’s been many years since I read it.

A woman and her daughter were doing something (let’s say driving along). The girl was very young (let’s say 6), too young to know about her parents’ past or what an abortion is. The little girl, chatting away, came out with a statement to the effect of: I remember when you and daddy weren’t ready to have me. But that’s okay. I waited till you were ready.

The mother was stunned. There was no way the girl could have known that early in her parents’ relationship, before they were sure the relationship would provide a stable home for a child, her mother had gotten pregnant and her parents had decided an abortion was the best choice.

The child’s statement implied her soul had not only been waiting for incarnation, but watching compassionately, understanding and forgiving the struggles of those she had chosen to be her parents.

So, I’ll just leave that there. Make of it what you will. It’s not my story.

