A: I am not scorning your piece. I think it was well crafted. You are obviously an accomplished writer.
B: Your use of parody was not a reason given for not publishing your piece. I love parody. I merely spelled out a few examples to demonstrate that your piece was a parody of the referenced piece for readers who might not take the time to read either.
C: If you must know, the only other piece I have so far declined to publish was one accusing Donald Trump of financial crimes. I asked, “Where is your evidence?” There was none, only speculation based on circumstantial evidence. It is the word “suppose” in your statement “it’s not dishonest at all to suppose that the perpetrator of this crime was Salvadoran; rapes with this degree of gratuitous brutality are classic Mara behavior” is my point. Making speculations about real people, especially when a crime is involved, is not something I am going to publish.